Pitch Your Guesstimate!!!


The Consulting Committee conducted a guesstimate session to familiarize the students with one of the most frequently type of questions asked in company interviews. The idea was to give teams a maximum of 15 min to come up with a legible solution to a guesstimate and 90 seconds to present it. The teams’ performances were judged by Prof Malay Krishna and Prof Ratika Gore.

A total of 100 people attended the event out of which 84 were participants. The teams were given mind boggling questions ranging from ‘The number of roti consumed in SP Jain’ to ‘the number of Rubik’s cube which could fit in a train compartment’. Though initially the participants only focused on explaining the methodology they’d followed, slowly the event saw a shift towards the presentation part of the guesstimate as well, which was later appreciated by the faculty as well. Both the faculty members appreciated the analytical skills of the batch and the level of detail the teams went into. Prof Malay Krishna further gave insights about restructuring the problem and different ways of approaching the solution. Prof Ratika Gore talked about the presentation side of things and gave pointers to the teams on how they can improve it.

The event concluded with the launch of the Consulting Interest Group (CIG), a special interest group in SPJIMR comprising of people interested in the consulting domain. The audience was briefed about the various events which the Consulting Committee had planned for the coming future and the membership was made open for all.Guesstimate2

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